Monday, October 14, 2013

Welcome to The Scam Alert Blog

The Scam Alert Blog-Very Important
Read All of the Introduction Article Below Before Checking Out All of the Make Money Online Scam Alerts.

I created the Scam Alert Blog to share with people all of the known make money online scams, known scammers and even the unknown scams and scammers out there before legitimate people fall victim to them. This blog is more veered toward money making program scams, money making product scams and anything else to do with making money online.. Whether it is the money making program scam itself or the person in charge of the money making scam, they will wind up on here. The programs are known as the Scam Alert Programs and the people that created these programs are known as scammers and the products and programs that they create are known as scams. but we are also working on those new scams and scammers that will pop up in the future.

The main reason that I wanted to create the Scam Alert blog is because just like most people in the make money online field, I too have been scammed plenty of times by known scams, by known scammers and even by scammers that I did not even know. But what really got under my skin was that I started seeing more and more people talking about being scammed also by known scams, known scammers and other related money making program scams. I have never witnessed the amount of people that I see and talk to each day that are being by money making scams and the people who are over these money making programs.

I really am sick and tired of spending my hard earned money on programs that you were lied to about. Now I have been through this enough to know a scam when I see one. But there a re a lot of people out there who are new to the make money online field who do not know a scam when they see it. Heck, there are even people who have been trying to make money online for years still being scammed for years. So, I not only created this blog for myself but I created this blog for all of those other people also.

I'm also tired of spending my money on false money making programs while these people line their bank accounts with my money from the program that I bought. You see, they do make money but it is not from what they are telling you. They make the bulk of their money from selling you the program. They give you just enough information to say that they did without giving you the main answers that you were looking for to start with. They do this on purpose.

To them, when they sell you their program, if they gave you the total answer on how they want to teach you to make money online, you would not have another reason to buy another product from them. So, they give you what is known as teaser information with a but load of up sells. And they always try to give you hope in that the next money making program will have the answer that the other ones did not. There all lies and scams. Some of these guys are blatant liars and scammers.

Places like are getting better and what they do put and don't put on their vendor sites. There was once a time not too long ago where anybody with a program was putting a known scam money making program out there but thank God that Clickbank has gotten a lot better at slowing this down. It wont be long and you will be able to find a lot more real and legitimate money making programs because of steps that places like have implemented. Im starting to see other places similar to Clickbank take similar actions to prevent blatant scams and scammers from popping up on their vendor page. A big thank you to for doing this.

Now, if you have been in the money making industry for very long then you know that money making scams and scammers are everywhere. They are on most every vendor site and even as independent sources. So, In other words, they are everywhere. But that's OK, I have done enough research over the last year and still researching these known scams and known scammers to inform you on whether or not a money making program is legitimate or not. Along with my research I have also been able to find a bright side to this process and that is that there are sime real, legitimate and profitable money making programs out there. I will list them here in the right hand side bar along with the scams.

As stated, if enough of these known scams and known scammers are called out on their faulty money making programs and they get taken off of the market, then just maybe, we will be left with more of the real and legitimate money making programs. This will also pass along a message that if you do knowingly promote a known scam or a money making program that doesn't work, you will get called out. If you are willing to ptomote or sell a program that you know that is not going to benefit nobody financially and you know that you will benefit from the sales of your program, then  you are a scammer.

Again, just maybe, all of these steps will cause enough of the known scams, known scammers, scam  money making programs and any future scam money making programs to fall off the Internet. Now common sense tells you that there will always be scams out there. But as long as there are people out there who don't mind calling them out then just maybe we can get the upper hand and hopefully the result will turn from known scams to profitable, real and legitimate money making programs. And with enough subscriptions and help, then we can do it. Guaranteed.

If we can just get enough of these known scams, known scammers, scam money making programs and any future money making scams and scammers to shut down, then the ultimate goal of that will be that there will then be more real, legitimate, profitable money making programs that people can actually make money with. That's the whole point right? To get rid of the known scams, known scams and any know scam programs in the now and hopefully in the future. I long for the day when you can search for a money making money resources and the ratio changes and you get a 10 to 1 real and legitimate money maker instead of a known scam.

The more known scams, known scammers and any new scams that we can bring down, the more real money making programs can shine through and provide good people with real places, programs, websites and products that they can actually make money with. This process takes a lot of people involved and a lot of people willing to list these known scams, known scammers, known scam money making programs and any new scam money making programs but we can do it. 

So, it is time to start sharing these scammers and their money making program scams with the public just like they share their scam programs with the public. Now don't get me wrong, on the flip side of the coin, there are a few decent money making programs out there. The only reason that I know this is because when I was researching for real and fake make money online resources. I created my own review system called the PUTT system. Purchase, Use, Test and Trial. And this processed worked and helped to find the known scams and scammers out there.

We really do need your help. One way of helping, and it is a big help is to either comment on this blog with your name, the scam and a link to your site. You don't have to include your name for privacy reasons if you do not want to. The main point is to provide the known scam, known scammer, scam money making program or any new scam programs. The bonus you will get is that we will leave your link in the comments and place it on our site as a top back link to you as a big thank you for helping this service.

The other way of helping is also another big way of helping and that is by subscribing to this blog so that you can be constantly updated whenever I updated this blog with either known scams, scammers, or money making program scams. I will also update this blog when there is a real and legitimate, working and profitable money making program to post on here. I wasn't going to do this next part but I am. Along with posting these known scams, scammers and scam money making programs, I will also provide any real, legitimate and profitable money maker after I check it out and you also get a back link to our site.

What helped me in getting better at spotting these known scams ans scammers, was that I would actually Purchase the so called money making program, Use it, Test it out and Trial it for a few weeks to see if it works, to see if it does what it says that it will do and most importantly, to see if it made me any money. This is where I found the few decent money making programs out there. I would say that the ratio of good money making programs to scam money making programs is most likely 10 to 1.

Out of all of the money making programs that I Purchased, Used, Tested and Trialed, about one quarter of them done exactly what they said they would and I made money with them and I continue to make money with them. With more of the known scams, scammers, scam money makers and any future scammers we can bring down, the more of these real and legitimate profitable money making programs you will see. I will continue to use my PUTT Method in order to provide you with the programs that work and the ones that do not.

So to be fair, I will also include any good, working money making programs that actually do what they say and that actually make you money. Like I said, the good money making programs can be few and far in between but at least now before you go out and spend your hard earned money on these programs, you will have a real and legitimate place to come to to find out what the known scams are and what the real and legitimate money making programs are.

Lastly, if you know of any known scam money making programs, please comment with the known scam money maker and I will include it on this blog. You can also comment with any known scammers such as the people that are selling these known scam money making programs and products. People have a hard enough time trying to make ends meet without someone scamming out of their money.

In this day and time, with this economy, more and more people are looking for secondary and even third resources of income just to make ends meet. A lot of these people are turning to the Internet to try and find a real and legitimate income source. The problem is that they do not know what works and what does work. These are also the people that I want to help out in a very positive way. If we don't then nobody will.

Its sad enough that people are having to look other places for real and legitimate sources of income just to pay their bills or buy groceries and take care of their families. That is why you will see all of the known scams and known scammers on here and you will also find the real and legitimate, Purchased, Used, tested and trialed money making programs, products and software programs. So you will know which programs and people are the known scams and known scammers and at the same time you will get to know which money making programs that actually work.

If you know of any money making scam or any product or program scam that is putting people out of money, just leave in the comments section and I will be sure to include it on here. You can also leave your name and a link back to your site if you wish and I will include your link as a form of a back link to your site. The main thing is to provide the Internet public and the outside public of these known scams and known scammers as well as the money making programs, products and software programs that work. Let me say this one more time for clarity. Read the next paragraph to learn how you can share any known scams, scammers or money making program scams and get a bonus for your contribution.

If you know a known scam program or a scammer or of a real and legitimate money making program, include it in the comments section with a link to your site and I will include your site on this blog for a top rated back link to your site as a bonus. Like I said earlier, the main purpose is to share and provide all of these known scams, known scammers and known scam money making programs as well as scam money making programs that we do not know about just yet. And like I said, please subscribe to this blog for constant and weekly updates, sometimes daily updates on known scams, known scammers, known scam money money making programs and other money making program scams.

Were Not Going to Take it. . Have you heard the old song "Were Not Going to Take It" lol. Well that is just it, we are not going to take it. There is never an excuse for a person to knowing sell a unsuspecting person a known scam but they will do it anyway. These are the main ones that need to be called out and they will. I will provide all known scams, all known scammers and any new scam programs in the right hand side bar right along with the bought, used, tested and trialed programs that will actually make you money. Guaranteed.. And I will use my blog posts below this posts for my all of my updates. Including any updates on known scams, known scammers and new updates on any new real and legitimate money making programs.

By subscribing to the Known Scams Blog, you are able to keep updated to the most updated known scams, scammers, money making program scams and more. Subscribing to our blog also allows you to interact with us on money making scams that maybe we didnt know about. It takes more than just me. I know a lot of known scams and scammers but it is up to your to provide me with as many known scams and scammers as you can. So please subscribe to this blog for the purpose of your contributions and the second thing is that you can leave any known scams or scammers in the comment box and I will post the scam and the scammer on this blog and I will post a link to your site as a back link to your site as a bonus.

The sites that are getting better at weeding out the known scams and known scammers and all other scammers are listed below. These sites are taking the proper steps to ensure that they only promote the most professional, most legitimate money making programs on the internet. They too have recognized from all of the refunds and customer complaints that something has to be done and they are doing something about it. In other words, these sites are already food vendor sites but in the near future they will be the best of the best vendor sites to find only the best of the best, real, legitimate and profitable money making programs.

These three vendor sites have been showing increasingly applausable steps in taking the proper steps in making it harder for known scams, known scammers and other money making scam programs to get on there and stay on there. Hats off to all of you guys. Now if we can get all of the money making vendor sites and all other places that promote these known scams, scammers and money making program scams we will be doing just fine. One step at a time and by all of us working together, we can bring down all of these scams and make more room or more visability for the real and legitimate money making programs.

 I cant explain just how much of a positive impact that this will have on the real and legitimate money making field. Like I said, the more people that we can get subscribed to this blog, the more people that we can get involved and the more people that we can get to share these known scams, scammers, money making program scams and unknown money making programs, the higher chance that we have of brininging these scams and scammers down and being able to highlight more and more of the real and legitimate profitable money making programs as they should be. We cant do it without you. Please subscribe and help us let the world know about all of these scams and all of the real money making programs. God bless everybody.