Mobile Money Code

And yet another bogus program that does not do anything even close to what it says that it will do on the sales video.The worst part about this program is not actually the program, it is the money part. Once you buy the initial program they will upsell you to death and they will tell you that you have to have them in order for them to work. Well lets say that you do not want the upsells. They charge you card anyway for the upsells without your permission. So not only do you get a program that you can use because they have screwed up your money and when you try to get your money back, they go through everything in the book n ot to do it. Then when they do not have a leg left to stand on, they tell you that you will get your money withing 7 to 10 business days. This makes me sick. Lets look at what another customer has to say.

Article by gt1029 — south holland Illinois

I've come across some pretty LOW DOWN & DIRTY SCAMS on the internet but THIS ONE to me is one of the lowest of the lowest!
For anyone reading this PLEASE, OH PLEASE TAKE HEED to what I'm about to tell you!
I received an email back on Sept 8th, 2013 from someone named Ivy Tree.  I normally don't open emails from people or companies I don't know but for some inexplicable reason I chose to open this one on Sept 10th, around 2p in the afternoon. No detail info was in it.  It only stated that this NEW EVOLUTIONARY WAY will actually puts thousands of dollars in your account in less than 24hrs.  It then tells you to click on the link to start making money within the next 24hrs and "It's FREE".
The link in this email lead me to a "ONE HOUR+" presentation that was very, very convincing.  This guy (??) was good!  He was very, very convincing.  In the first 1/2hr of his script I knew I had to sign up.  I wanted to be making thousands of dollars from people who use their iphones, smartphones and such to buy products from me within the next 24hrs.
I was so eager to sign up I didn't care about the link that appeared asking for $49.00.  REMEMBER, THIS WAS SUPPOSE TO BE FREE....  Anyway, I was told in this video that I would receive an email confirming my registration and ONCE I PAY I would be getting my set up page right-a-way and would be on my way to making $$$ within 24hrs.  
My first cc rejected my transaction stating that I was about to make a purchase that was outside of the US and to be cautious about making such purchase.  That was my HINT and BIGGEST WARNING that I'm sorry to say I didn't take heed to.  I whipped out a 2nd cc and was given the same advise from my cc company.  I then tried to end the transaction by just closing the browser when a window popped up offering me the same product for just $19.99.  As stupid as it sounds I said ok and tried again charging it on my 2nd card for the "lower price" which went through.  
I received an email confirmation for the charge of $49.00 on my 2nd cc about 5m later!  Nothing more about the product.
Hours pass and I waited and waited and waited for that email to come so I could start making those big bucks.
By 8pm that evening I knew I had been had!  Scammed again for wanting something free.  At 5:21AM!!!!!, I received an email asking me why did I want to cancel.  The email stated that they were sorry to see me leave and could they convince me to stay if they offered me a $500 bonus offer worth of training and tools.  What a joke!  
I immediately went back on their website, signed in, went to customer support, filled out the form and ASKED THEM TO CANCEL AND ISSUE ME A FULL REFUND  or to VOID MY TRANSACTION right-a-way.  If I could add the emails here I would.  
Now comes the phone calls.  On Sept 18th, I reported these facts to my cc company who told me to fax my dispute.  Called ClickSure in Refund Dpt at 1-888-853-3688 and spk to rep Mary.  She kept apologizing and said to give it 3 to 7 bus days before refund would go back to my cc along with an email to that effect.  
Sept 25th, Spk to Mary again at this number, apologize again and repeated the same thing only adding she would send in a report and to please wait 3 to 7 more bus days for refund with email to confirm refund processed.
Oct 4th, I had enough of this.  Called back and told rep Paul to let me speak to the supervisor.  This is where it got real ugly!!!  This supervisor, Chris, tried repeating the same BS as Mary had stated and I told him that it was a bunch of crap.  Give me the name of his supervisor and he wouldn't stating he was the higher up.  I WARNED HIM that if they didnot have my refund processed and back on my card within 24hrs that I was going to report this to every website I know and let the WWW know how SCANDALOUS they were.  
Oct 7th, Called Again and got Mary who again kept apologizing and tried to assure me that she will be issuing me a refund within "24 to 48 Hrs" and to look for my refund within (you guessed it) 3 to 7 bus days.  
My cc company got my dispute letter and I know they'll take care of this but I AM SO PISSED OFF at companies that try and do get a way with this kind of stuff!  So please, I hope this helps and warns you not to try and do bus with Mobile Money Code

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